Assalamualaikum ~
Today , I want to blog about the 25 prophets that every Muslim has to know .
" Required To Know " = 25 Prophets .
Let's start :-
Prophet Adam ( Nabi Adam )
= Adam , the first human being , ranks the first prophet of Islam .
Prophet Enoch ( Nabi Idris )
= Idris lived during a period of drought inflicted by God to punish the people of the world who had forgotten God . Idris prayed for salvation and for an end to the suffering , and the world received rain .
Prophet Noah ( Nabi Nuh )
= Although best for his role in the story of the Deluge , Nuh became a primary preacher of monotheism in his day . Muslim believe his faith in God led to his selection for building the Ark .
Prophet Hud ( Nabi Hud )
= Muslims believe the only Hud , for whom the eleventh chapter of the Quran takes it name and a few people survived a great storm , similar to Deluge five generations earlier . God inflicted the storm to punish the people of Ad' who had forgotten God .
Prophet Saleh ( Nabi Saleh )
= According to the Quran , God ordered Saleh to leave behind his people , the tribe of Thamud , after they disbelieved and disobeyed God's order to care for a special camel and instead killed it . In Saleh's and his followers' ( believer's ) absence , God punished with a loud noise from the skies that killed his people instantly . Note that Saleh does not equate to the Saleh mentioned in the Old Testament .
Prophet Abraham ( Nabi Ibrahim )
= Muslims regard Ibrahim as one of the significant people , because they credit him with rebuilding the Kaabah in Mecca . His family , including his son Ishmael , also receives credit f or helping create the civilization around Mecca that would later give birth to the final prophet of Islam , Muhammad . Significantly , Ibrahim almost sacrificed his son Ismail ( Ishmael ) to God in event now commemorated annually by Eid-al-Adha . Among all the prophets , he first named believers " Muslims " - meaning " those with full submission to God " .
Prophet Lot ( Nabi Lut )
= Muslims knows Lut best for attempting to preach against homosexuality in Sodom and Gomorrah , in addition to encouraging his people to believe in the Oneness God , although his community mocked and ignored him . Islam also denies the acts which the Old Testament attributes to Lut , like drinking and becoming drunk , and having intercourse with and impregnating his two daughters .
Prophet Ishmael ( Nabi Ismail )
= Muslims regard Ismail , first-born son of Ibrahim , as a notable prophet in Islam for his near-sacrifice in adulthood . As a child , he - with his mother , Hajar ( Hagar ) - searched for water in the region around Mecca , leading God to reveal Zamzam Well , which still flows to this day .
Prophet Isaac ( Nabi Is'haq )
= According to Islamic tradition , Is'haq , the second-born son of Ibrahim , became a prophet in Canaan . He and his brother Ismail carried on the legacy of Ibrahim as prophets of Islam .
Prophet Jacob ( Nabi Yaqub )
= The Quran portrays Yaqub as " of the company of the Elect and Good " . He continued the legacy of both his father , Ishaq , and his grandfather , Ibrahim . Like his ancestor , he deliberately worshiped God exclusively .
Prophet Joseph ( Nabi Yusuf )
= Yusuf , son of Yaqub and great-grandson of Ibrahim become a prominent advisor to the pharaoh of Egypt after he interpreted the pharaoh's dream which predicted the economic future Egypt . He spent a language part of his life away form his eleven brothers , who showed jealousy of Yusuf because his father favored him . They took him out one day , telling their father they they would play and have fun , but they planned to kill him . Instead , they threw him down a well and told their father Yaqub that a wolf had eaten him . According to Islam , Yusuf received the gift of half beauty granted to mankind .
Prophet Job ( Nabi Ayyub )
= According to Islamic tradition , Ayyub received the reward of a Fountain of Youth , which removed all illness , except death , for his service to God in his hometown outside Al Majdal . Legend recounts that Ayyub suffered an illness for 18 years as test of patience carried out by God .
Prophet Jethro ( Nabi Shu'ayb )
= According to Islam, God appointed Shu'ayb, a direct descendant of Ibrahim , to guide the people of Midian and Aykah, who lived near Mount Sinai. When the people of the region failed to listen to his warnings, God destroyed the disbelievers' villages. Although the Qur'an and the reported speeches of Muhammad mention that Musa married one of Shu'ayb's daughters, the Old Testament tells the same story of a man named Jethro. Some scholars regard Jethro in the Old Testament as distinct from Shu'aib in the Qur'an.
Prophet Moses ( Nabi Musa )
= Moses, whom the Qur'an refers to more than to any other prophet, had the distinction of revealing the Tawrat ( Torah ) to the Isrealities The Qur'an says Musa realized his connection with God after receiving commands from him during a stop at Mount Sinai. He later went on to free the enslaved Hebrews after the Egyption Pharaoh denied God's power. Musa subsequently led the freed Hebrews for forty years through the desert after they refused to obey God's command and enter the Holy Land . They said: "O Moses! while they remain there, never shall we be able to enter, to the end of time. Go thou, and thy Lord, and fight ye two, while we sit here (and watch)."
= According to Islamic tradition , Ayyub received the reward of a Fountain of Youth , which removed all illness , except death , for his service to God in his hometown outside Al Majdal . Legend recounts that Ayyub suffered an illness for 18 years as test of patience carried out by God .
Prophet Jethro ( Nabi Shu'ayb )
= According to Islam, God appointed Shu'ayb, a direct descendant of Ibrahim , to guide the people of Midian and Aykah, who lived near Mount Sinai. When the people of the region failed to listen to his warnings, God destroyed the disbelievers' villages. Although the Qur'an and the reported speeches of Muhammad mention that Musa married one of Shu'ayb's daughters, the Old Testament tells the same story of a man named Jethro. Some scholars regard Jethro in the Old Testament as distinct from Shu'aib in the Qur'an.
Prophet Moses ( Nabi Musa )
= Moses, whom the Qur'an refers to more than to any other prophet, had the distinction of revealing the Tawrat ( Torah ) to the Isrealities The Qur'an says Musa realized his connection with God after receiving commands from him during a stop at Mount Sinai. He later went on to free the enslaved Hebrews after the Egyption Pharaoh denied God's power. Musa subsequently led the freed Hebrews for forty years through the desert after they refused to obey God's command and enter the Holy Land . They said: "O Moses! while they remain there, never shall we be able to enter, to the end of time. Go thou, and thy Lord, and fight ye two, while we sit here (and watch)."
On another trip to Mount Sinai during this long journey, Musa received the Tawrat and the Ten Commandments. At the end of his life, according to Islamic tradition , Musa chose to die to become closer to God instead of taking up an offer that would have extended his life.—Sura 5 ( Al-Ma'ida ), ayah 24
Prophet Aaron ( Nabi Harun )
= Harun (Aaron) served as an assistant to his older brother Musa (Moses). In Islam, he, like Musa, received the task of saving the Israelites from the Egyptian pharaoh. He would often speak for Musa when Musa’s speech-impediment prevented him from doing so himself.
Prophet Ezekiel ( Nabi Dhul-Kifli )
= The status of Dhul-Kifl as a prophet remains debatable within Islam, although all parties to the debate can agree in seeing him as a righteous man who strived in the way of God. Some studies identify Dhul-Kifl with Obadiah, mentioned in the Old Testament as taking care of a hundred prophets: see 1 Kings.
Prophet David ( Nabi Dawud )
= In Islam, God revealed the Zabur ( Psalms ) to Dawud (David). Dawud also has significance as the conqueror of Goliath. Note that Islamic tradition and the Bible differ in their accounts of the story of King David and Uriah.
Prophet Soloman ( Nabi Sulaiman )
= Sulaiman (Solomon) learned a significant amount from his father David before God made him a prophet. According to Islamic tradition, Sulaiman received power to manipulate nature (including the jinn) and the power to communicate with and control animals. Known for his honesty and fairness, he also headed a kingdom that extended into southern Arabia.
Prophet Elijah ( Nabi Ilyas )
= Ilyas, a descendant of Harun (Aaron), took over control of the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula after the kingdom of Sulaiman (Solomon) collapsed. Islamic tradition says he attempted to convince the people of the peninsula of the existence of only one God, but when the people refused to listen they were smitten by Allah with a drought and famine.
Prophet Elisha ( Nabi al-Yasa )
= Al-Yasa (Elisha) took over the task of leading the Israelites after the death of Ilyas (Elijah). He attempted to show the king and queen of Israel the power of God, but they dismissed him as a magician. Subsequently, the Assyrians could make people burn and inflict significant damage on them.
Prophet Jonah ( Nabi Yunus )
= Islamic tradition states that God commanded Yunus (Jonah) to help the people of Nineveh towards righteousness. However, Nineveh's people refused to listen to his message, so Yunus decided to abandon trying to help them and left. A sea creature (probably a blue whale) then swallows Yunus, and realizing he has made a mistake by giving up on his people, Yunus repents. The sea creature spits him out; Yunus then returns to Nineveh, attempting once more to lead his people to righteousness, and this time they follow him .
Prophet Zechariah ( Nabi Zakariyya )
= A descendant of Sulayman, Zakariya (Zachariah), became a patron of Maryam ( Mary ) the mother of 'Isa (Jesus). According to the Qur'an, he prayed to God asking for a son, since his sterile wife al-Yashbi ( Elizabeth ) could not provide one. God granted his wishes, temporarily lifting his wife's sterility and allowing her to give birth to Yahya ibn Zakariyya ( John ).
Prophet John of Baptist ( Nabi Yahya )
= Of Yahya (John), cousin to Isa, Islam says that, throughout his lifetime, he captivated audiences with his powerful sermons which preached Abrahamic monotheism. (The Qur'an does not mention baptism.)
Prophet Jesus ( Nabi Isa )
= God sent one of the highest-ranked prophets in Islam, ʿĀbdallah ʿIsā al-Masīḥ Ibn Miriam, (Jesus the Messiah) to guide the Children of Israel. The Qur'an makes the nature of Jesus very clear, portraying him not as the physically begotten son of God, but rather as a nabi and rasul (messenger) of God:
O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.—Sura 4, (An-Nisa), ayah 171.
'Isa performed many miracles with the permission of God, for example: raising the dead, creating a bird from clay, and talking as an infant. Islamic traditions state that he abstained from drinking alcohol. Tradition also states that he received a revelation, the Injil (Gospel), though according to Islam, it subsequently suffered from distortion . Muslims believe that no crucifixion of 'Isa took place, meaning he did not die on the cross. Muslims believe that God raised Isa up to himself and that Isa will return to Earth to fight the Masih ad-Dajjal (the False messiah or antichrist) and to break the cross. The Qur'an and Saheeh Hadith tell a consistent story.
That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them;-—Qur'an, Sura 4 An-Nisa, ayat 157-159
From Hadith:
Narrated Abu Huraira:Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no-body will accept charitable gifts.—Muhammad al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 3, Book 34, Number 425
Prophet / Nabi Muhammad !
= Habib u'l A'zam, Imam u'l Anbiya Sayyidina Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah, (53 B.H.-11 A.H.; 571-632 AD) ranks as the last prophet in Islam ("seal of the prophets"), with a message to all humanity. Muslims shun idolatry of any of the prophets, as their messages from God hold the most weight. Muhammad appeared on earth as the son of his father Abd Allah ibn Abd al Muttalib and of his mother Aminah bint Wahb. Born in Mecca in 571 AD (53 BH), Muhammad spent the first part of his mature years as a well-travelled merchant. He would often spend time in the mountains surrounding Mecca in prayer contemplating the situation within the city. At the age of forty, during one of those trips to the mountain, Muhammad began to receive and recite verses from God which, in recorded form, make up the Qur'an. He quickly spread the message which he received, converting a few others in the city, including his wife. When oppression became intolerable for his followers, Muhammad first asked his fellow Muslims to move to Medina, and later he himself migrated to Medina away from the oppressors in Mecca. Muhammad served not just as a prophet, but as a military leader who helped defeat the Meccans in 624 during the Battle of Badr. He continued to lead the Muslims as Islam spread across the Arabian Peninsula. He performed the first hajj in 629 and established Islam in the form that Muslims still practise it. Others continued Muhammad's legacy after his death in 632, accepting the position of caliph("successor") to Muhammad. The Five Pillars of Islam were established from Muhammad's hadith after his death.
The Holy Quran

The Holy Bible
( The Original )
Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog ! =)
Bye guys .
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