Now I'm really , really shocked about the Tsunami .
It's expanding from one country to one country .
Let us pray to God for protection !
Present alert status
Since 5:55 UTC the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has been issuing frequently updated tsunami warnings and estimated arrival times.[26][27]
- Arrival times for Pacific islands
- Northern Marianas: 0901 UTC
- Guam: 0917 UTC
- Yap: 0952 UTC
- Marshall Islands (Enewetak): 1021 UTC
- Palau: 1030 UTC
- Pohnpei: 1036 UTC
- Chuuk: 1041 UTC
- Manokwari: 1125 UTC
- Jayapura: 1142 UTC
- Papua New Guinea (Kavieng): 1132 UTC
- Nauru: 1157 UTC
- Solomon Islands (Panggoe): 1228 UTC
- Tarawa: 1236 UTC
- Hawaii: 1307 UTC
- Tuvalu: 1338 UTC
- Vanuatu (Espiritu Santo): 1416 UTC
- Tokelau: 1417 UTC
- Futuna: 1435 UTC
- Samoa: 1453 UTC
- American Samoa: 1500 UTC
- Cook Islands: 1500 UTC
- Niue: 1535 UTC
- Australia (Cairns): 1535 UTC
- Fiji: 1537 UTC
- New Caledonia: 1538 UTC
- Tonga: 1605 UTC
- Kermadec Islands: 1656 UTC
- French Polynesia (Papeete): 1714 UTC
- New Zealand (North Cape): 1723 UTC
- Pitcairn Island: 2008 UTC
- Easter Island: 2303 UTC
A list of arrival times including other places is available[28].
The United States West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami warning for the coastal areas of California and Oregon from Point Conception, California to the Oregon-Washington border.[19]
Northern Marianas Islands and Marshall Islands officials downgraded the tsunami alert after the expected arrival times passed without incident.[29
" Ya Allah . Selamatkanlah makhluk-makhluk Mu ini Ya Allah . Termasuk orang-orang kafir . Sesungguhnya Engkau ( Allah ) Maha Penyayang ke atas makhluk-makhluk mu ini Ya Allah . Amin , amin Ya Robbal A'lamin . "

Tsunami Alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquake in Japan.
Countries around the Pacific are on alert for tsunami after the massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck off the north-east coast of Japan today.
Tsunami waves of 4 to 10 metres have hit the coast of Japan with devastating consequences along 2100 km of shoreline. (11th March 2011).
The city of Sendai, (north of Tokyo) was hit my a 10 metre wall of water that flowed inland over low lying land, picking up houses, buildings and cars, as it flowed over land and up the Natori River. The city is west of where the earthquake struck, 125km off the coast.
Pacific nations on alert
In the northern Pacific, countries such as Taiwan, Hawaii, the Phillipines, Papua New Guinea, and many Pacific Island nations including Kiribati, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and New Caledonia, have issued tsunami warnings.
Read more at Suite101: 2011 Tsunami Warnings for more than 20 Pacific Nations
More than 30,000 people are reported to be in high risk areas in Hawaii, and sirens were activated in Honolulu, to warn people to evacuate coastal areas.. Waves there are expected to reach the coast about 3am local time and authorities were urging people to take action and move to higher ground.
In the Phillipines, people have also been urged to move away from the coast to safer inland areas.
Thousands have already been evacuated from low lying areas of the Pacific coast of Canada, North, Central and South America, as news of the tsunami alert spreads, including Alaska, Oregan, California, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Chile, according to reports on CNN.
Russian islands such as the Kuril Island chain and Sakhalin Islands have also evacuated thousands of people from low-lying areas.
Smaller tsunami expected for South Pacific
Times and expected wave heights for the tsunami vary depending on distance from Japan
In the South Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island nations such as Tonga, Samoa, the Cook Islands, and Fiji are among those in the path of a tsunami.
In New Zealand, the tsunami is expected to reach North Cape about 6.15am local time which is also low tide. It is expected to be about one metre in height as it moves down the west and east coasts of New Zealand, reaching Auckland at about 8am.
People in New Zealand’s coastal areas were warned to stay away from beaches and the Civil Defence are assessing the threat to New Zealand, according to a local news agency.
More than one wave likely
This latest 8.9 magnitude earthquake to hit Japan was the largest earthquake since a 9 magnitude earthquake struck the Banda Aceh area of Indonesia in December 2004. That tsunami killed more than 250,000 people in 14 countries with waves that took out entire communities.
An earthquake of that intensity and that shallow (20km deep) so close to shore, is expected to generate more than one tsunami, said a CNN meterologist.
Don't stop praying ...
That's for now ... if I got any latest informations I will surely post it .
Assalamualaikum ~
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